At our hub on Higher Folds we host lots of different activities listed below...

Mental Make & Mingle
Monday afternoons we will be
running a new session where you can have a chat, make something creative or simply have a cuppa.
Experts say ‘ a 12- minute chat a day with your family or friends is just as important as your 5 a day for your health and well-being’.
Take time out for you. 🌟🫂

Youth Provision
Every Wednesday evening we run Youth Club 15:30 - 17:30pm, for 7-14years.

Community Gardens & Tool Shed
On Tuesdays and Thursday the community gardens are open 13:00 - 15:00pm.

'Unlocking Potential' Programme
We are currently running a 10 week ' Unlocking Potential' programme, funded by Aspiring Futures. This course aims to empower NEET young people by reducing the barriers they face in achieving their career and life aspirations. Through a wellbeing-centered approach, the course will help participants build confidence, enhance employability, and foster personal development using the "5 Ways to Wellbeing."

Behaviour Support Circles
We are currently working with Andy from Embrace to deliver informal sessions to Parents/Carers to explore and share different strategies, approaches, ideas and information as well as benefit from emotional support.

Enterprise Me
We have developed the ‘Enterprise Me’ Programme to help us complete our mission. We see this as an exciting opportunity to create an Enterprise Hub for those facing barriers to employment and long-term careers in our community.